Get to Know Balto

Our Mission
Powering a new era of knowledge work in the contact center.
Our Name
In 1925, a young sled dog named Balto successfully guided his pack on a harrowing journey across Alaska to deliver life-saving medicine to an ice-locked town. The story inspired a beloved 1995 cartoon. It inspired us, too.
We liked the metaphor: our technology guides people to be successful in their conversations, scouting ahead and finding the right phrases. Just like in 1925, a human is still in charge, but we’re here to make the journey smoother.
Our Values
Start with Gratitude
Always Be Growing
Leadership is Ownership
Our Leaders
Our Culture
From Hawaii to Boston to our base city of St. Louis and everywhere in between, home means something different for every Baltonian. But we’re still a united pack.
And that pack is always growing. In 2021, there were just 50 Baltonians. Today, there are more than 170. That’s over 170 musicians, chefs, painters, gear heads, gardeners, philosophers, gamers, movie buffs, woodworkers, and polo players, plus at least one aspiring hockey player… we’ll see.
This motley pack takes part in initiatives like:
- Hack-a-Thons: Semi-annual engineering events where a project is taken from concept to delivery in just 72 hours
- Ladies at Balto Software (LABS): Our homegrown empowerment group open to all women
- DEI Council: The team dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization
- Hack-Pack: An open invitation for Baltonians interested in coding and software development to learn from engineering mentors
See what employees love about Balto’s culture.
Our City
Balto wants to do for St. Louis what Dell did for Austin.
We believe great tech companies create new tech ecosystems that transform cities. At Balto, we plan on growing in step with the fast-paced technology revolution — and we plan on bringing St. Louis along for the journey. We understand our moral obligation to fuel the community’s growth as we invest in our own.
As Balto thrives, so will St. Louis.