Better Call Notes, Better Insights, and More Conversions

The Challenge

Lean teams need efficient strategies to be successful

Pima Medical Institute is a medical career college with 16 campuses across the southwestern U.S., each providing education for healthcare professions including the medical, dental, and veterinary fields. With such a large footprint, Pima Medical needs a highly efficient admissions team ready to support prospective students.

Pima Medical’s contact center — staffed by only two managers and 25-30 agents — is responsible for the lead flow to all 16 campuses while still needing time for training and development. As a result, some inefficiencies were getting in the way of the team’s success: new agent training was taking too long and cutting into tenured agent support, coaching was sporadic at best, and QA took hours of preparation.

“Before Balto, I was spending around eight hours a week trying to discover coaching moments. I could listen to 100 calls and end up learning nothing valuable.”

– Admissions Support Center Coordinator

“We had no dashboard that showed us our reps’ progress toward goals. We were recording that manually on top of all the manual call monitoring. We needed to update our systems. We needed something where I can log in and see what everybody is doing at all times.”

– Director, Admissions Support Operations

The Solution

Better Call Insights and Automated Note-Taking

Pima Medical discovered Balto online and wanted to know more. In a meeting at the Call & Contact Center Expo, both managers realized Balto offered the solutions they needed.

“There were so many features that lined up with the challenges we were facing. It was simple. It was a tool for both our agents and the management team. I didn’t see anything else that was as robust as Balto, and fit our needs.”

– Director, Admissions Support Operations

After integration, Balto immediately started proving its value. First, Balto’s QA and Call Explorer features made scoring calls and pulling call data seamless. Pima Medical can now pinpoint specific criteria, build that criteria into scorecards, and address issues immediately. Balto’s reporting dashboard makes it easy to give shout-outs for things like agent win rates. 

“I love Call Explorer, I live and die by Call Explorer. It’s the best thing ever.”

– Admissions Support Center Coordinator

Pima Medical was also able to streamline new agent training with Balto’s Real-Time Guidance and Real-Time Notetaker. Before Balto, Pima Medical had to train agents not to take notes on calls so they would not sound distracted. With Real-Time Notetaker, agents simply copy and paste the AI-generated notes into their CRM, cutting wrap-up time between calls and increasing outbound outreach. 

“Real-Time Notetaker is huge for us. New hires don’t make a bad habit of trying to take notes while talking to students.”

– Admissions Support Center Coordinator

The Results

Increased Conversions and Better Agent Onboarding

In the two years Pima Medical has used Balto to help solve inefficiencies, call volume and conversion rates have steadily increased.

  • Pima Medical’s show rate, a measure of how many students show up to on-campus admission interviews after scheduling an appointment with an agent, has increased from 55% to 56.5% — amounting to hundreds of in-person interviews each year. 
  • Overall conversions from leads to interviews have increased by 2.7%, totaling thousands of student interviews.

“I’ve become very loyal and respectful of Balto as a company. They’ve taken great care of us and continue to help us be successful.”

– Director, Admissions Support Operations