Around 90% of contact centers are using AI tools today, compared to 59% last year. While early adopters were excited by this shiny new technology, AI is now table stakes, and the focus has shifted to ROI: how can your tools work harder for you?
BaltoGPT runs on generative AI trained on your contact center’s unique context, which makes it the best tool to answer your most pressing questions. Since launching BaltoGPT, our customers have used this capability to ask questions that run the gamut from everyday information-seeking to large-scale contact center transformation.
From just a few months of usage, it is already clear that BaltoGPT excels at identifying coaching moments, uncovering new best practices, and ensuring compliance.
Identify Coaching Moments
We know that traditional contact center coaching doesn’t work: managers spend 5x more time preparing for coaching sessions than actually coaching, and the first coaching session is almost never effective.
Why is this the case? Think about the following not-so-simple query: “What were the top three things Nick S. did well on his calls today?”
If you were asked this question, you might have to take an hour, go through notes, and re-listen to calls. It could take hours, maybe even more, to give a thorough and complete answer. And if you’re tasked with putting together coaching plans for a dozen or more agents, not just one, you could easily spend all week answering questions like these to inform your coaching strategy — before you’ve even started coaching.
Generative AI solutions like BaltoGPT can answer this question in seconds, analyzing hours of calls at the push of a button so you don’t have to. Instead of 12 agents, you now have the capacity to coach 120, because everything you need is available at your fingertips. Generative AI is a force multiplier, a trusted companion you can delegate to whenever you need.
Our customers ask BaltoGPT questions like:
- “What could Delilah T. do better to handle customers’ objections?”
- “Give me a piece of positive feedback I can share with Tim C. about his calls today.”
- “Find me a call for Michelle B. that needs coaching.”
The time saved in gathering data and combing through calls could be better spent tailoring your coaching plans to each unique agent, and doing actual coaching. With this level of clear insight at your fingertips, you can spend more of your time where it matters: improving your team’s performance, not busy work.
What could you do with this time back?
Uncover Best Practices
Discovering coachable moments is only half the battle; while a contact center is made up of individuals, it operates as a team. An agent’s superpowers can be learned from and taught to everyone, and learnings can be shared so that the tide of great coaching can lift all agents equally.
If it takes a day to thoroughly answer the question, “What were the top three things Nick S. did well on all of his calls today?” — how long would it take to answer the question, “What were the top three things that all my best agents did well today across all calls?”
This question is decidedly more complex: it is asking an intelligent system to not only listen to a subset of calls belonging to one agent, but to listen to all calls across all agents, first identifying which agents were the “best,” and then analyzing this new subset of calls for patterns and meaning.
This type of complex logic is where generative AI excels.
To uncover best practices, our customers ask BaltoGPT questions like:
- “Provide me a list of ten questions that agents asked to close a sale that looked like it wasn’t going to close. Please include any relevant transcripts and call audio.”
- “Why didn’t we get any wins today? Can you give me five reasons with examples?”
- “In the past 90 days, what has been the single most successful tactic to overcome budget objections? Can you show me a few transcripts where this tactic occurs?”
With this information, managers and supervisors can graduate agent coaching moments into widespread contact center coaching moments. The level of insights that generative AI solutions can surface is limitless, bringing time and energy back into your day to turn these insights into action.
Ensure Compliance
Compliance is the bread and butter of any contact center; it’s the basis upon which talk tracks are built, the guardrails that processes are built within. In the hierarchy of needs, compliance represents the ground floor. So why does it feel like a struggle to get right?
BaltoGPT can enhance a traditional compliance strategy of scorecards and QA teams by bringing unique insights to the forefront, wherever attention is needed. With the right questions at hand, compliance teams can be proactive, not just reactive, shedding light on trends that can turn into problems down the road.
Our compliance-first customers ask BaltoGPT questions like:
- “How often are agents forgetting to say that a call is being recorded? Is there a pattern to what kind of calls this happens on?”
- “How many compliance issues did we have today? Is this different from yesterday or this day last week? How so?”
- “Why are agents failing to authenticate customers? Give me three theories, which one you think is most likely, and why.”
The questions above are shining examples of what differentiates generative AI from standard compliance technology. While scorecards are black-and-white, and manual listening contains inherent gaps and human error, generative AI has the capacity for critical thinking and nuance. It can be thought of as a superhero sidekick to these tools, or a QA manager’s copilot.
BaltoGPT works alongside your existing compliance strategy to cut down on busy work and facilitate real and impactful change.
Learn more about BaltoGPT and how generative AI can transform your contact center.